garage door Austin tx

Evolution of Garage Door History

Garage Door History goes back 100 years. Ever wonder how the story of  garage doors began? In all started in the early 1920s when drivers would store their cars in their carriage houses which were located next to their horses. Those early Carriage houses usually had doors that swung outwards, which was inconvenient for drivers as well as impractical when there was snow on the ground. When you look back at the beginning, it’s easy to see how times sure have changed. Fast forward to today and garages are now an integral part of modern homes.

Overhead Garage Door History

Overhead Garage Door History

The overhead garage door was invented in 1921 by C.G. Johnson, who also invented the electric garage door opener five years later. He knew when the Ford car company stated making over one-million cars that folks would need a place to store them. With cars for the first-time being affordable, owners would need an out of the harmful weather, safe and secure spot, to store their new prized possession.

The History of Smart Overhead Garage Door Openers

In the mid-1980s, two US inventors, unknown to each other, invented the first wireless remote garage door openers. The first garage door opener remotes used a simple transmitter, meaning your remote would also be able to open a neighbor’s garage door. It was an amazing product that eventually led directly into today´ s most popular model: The Smart Garage Opener that can be operated from your smart-phone.

Evolution of Garage Door History

Evolution of The Garage Door

Garage doors have become more modern, beautiful and adaptable. Major manufactures like Wayne Dalton, Clopay, Amarr and Raynor all have been vital in developing garage doors.

garage door service technician AUSTIN

Our local Austin area specialists for overhead garage doors and openers are ready to share their knowledge with you. We’ve been in business for nearly 25 years and have extensive experience working all makes and models of doors and openers for both residential and commercial properties.