Garage Door Security Tips

6 Great Garage Door Security Tips for Christmas Time

During the holidays, garage door security is vital. If you are like many other Greater Austin homeowners with a garage, you know it gets extra usage during the Christmas season. Taking the additional steps to secure your garage like you would your home will help prevent burglaries. It does not matter if the garage is attached to your home or not. Secure it. 

home garage door security austin

Garage Door Security Tips for Christmas

Many homeowners use their garage for extra storage besides just a place to park the car. Stowing your bikes, tools, and other valuables are common. As a way to assist you with keeping your valuable items in your garage safe and secure, follow these five tips.

Keep Garage Opener Remote Out of Site

One of the most useful tips to defend your garage against a break-in is also one of the easiest. If you park outside, keep the garage door opener out of clear sight. It may be easy to have the opener on the sun visor, but doing so allows a possible burglar to see your opener and enter your garage.

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Keep The Garage Door Closed

This excellent garage door security tip is just as easy as the first one. Keep the door shut. It is that simple. Regardless if you are inside your home or not. If there is no reason for the door to be presently open, keep it closed.

Change the Code to the Opener

If your garage door uses an automatic opener with a wall keypad for entry exit via a code, change it often. A good tip if you use a cleaning service, pet sitter, or guest with code access and they’re no longer working or staying for you.

Check the Garage Door’s Condition Often

If your garage has windows, always make sure they are closed and locked. Also, keep an eye out for any gaps between the door and the ground. If someone wants to get in, these are likely spots used to break in.

Install Motion-activated Security Lights

One of the best garage door security tips is having motion-activated security lights mounted on top of your garage. Nothing keeps a thief away like bright lights!

Manual Garage Door Locks

If you plan on being away for Christmas, a manual slide lock is a good thing to have. A slide lock needs to be opened first from the inside. These are great anytime you know that your garage will remain closed for long periods.

Garage Door Service Austin

Been thinking about improving the garage door security of your home? Our local Greater Austin garage door technicians can help. We’ll inspect your current door and make recommendations on how to improve your current security set-up.