Austin Garages Converted Extra Room

Garage Door Entry Entertaining

Your garage door is an entry to your home, but behind the door is an opportunity to use your garage for creating an extra room. A perfect place for entertaining that folks don’t often think about using. We do many a garage door repair in the Austin area and have seen many homeowners with limited rooms in their house use their garages for entertaining friends. A spot to play some cards, watch movie’s or root for your favorite team on a big flat-screen tv.

Overhead Garage Door Austin Extra Room

Converting your garage into an extra space for entertaining family and friends is not a difficult task. In fact, it’s quite easy to do providing your garage is not full of junk and clutter. On the other hand, some folks may want a permanent conversion which of course takes a bit more planning, design and possible permits. Below are tips from our overhead garage door experts for a quick conversion for a game night or a fun weekend gathering.

Preparing the Garage

Before you start inviting friends over make sure to first properly prep the garage. You will want to take all the things stored in the garage and move them to one storage area. This will create a much more open space to work with. If your garage has lots of unwanted items give them to the local Goodwill or have a garage sale. There are apps to download for your phone where you can also list items for sale locally. Other items may be stored in spaces in your home as well.

Now that the garage has been cleared and cleaned out it’s time to prep for your guests. It’s important to have places to sit down. A few chairs, maybe an old recliner or loveseat. You definitely will want some music so a good stereo is a nice touch. Also, that extra TV in the guest room might work well too. An old table for playing cards, board games or just conversing across is also a necessity. Having a spot to also keep refreshments and snacks nearby makes it easy to grab a drink or snack. Any cooler should work fine for this.

Alliance Overhead Garage Door Company Austin TX

Open and Close the Garage Door

Nobody wants to hang out in a garage that’s too hot or too cold. In the hotter months open the garage door to let some cool air in and during the cold months keep the garage door closed. Also having an oscillating fan or two will help keep the air cool and circulating making it for comparable for guests.

There it is, an easy way to transform your garage into an extra room to entertain in. Now its time to get the word out. Set a date, invite over some friends and have a great time in your garage!

Alliance Overhead Garage Door provides expert overhead door repairs and installations of residential and commercial garage doors and openers to the greater Austin area.