Tips for Maintaining Austin Garage Doors

Garage Door Maintenance Tips Austin Residential Homes

Do garage doors need to be maintained on a regular basis? Yes, maintenance is vital to make sure doors and also openers remain repair free. Having a door not open or close when you need it most is frustrating, to say the least. The last thing you want is having an issue when as an example coming home on a cold dark night only to find your sitting in your car pressing the remote with nothing happening. We put together these 5 annual garage door maintenance tips to help homeowners avoid situations like just mentioned.

Annual Garage Door Maintenance Austin

5 Annual Door Servicing Tips

 Lubricating the moving parts

Lubrication of the door parts reduces the amount of noise door’s make. Areas to focus on are the garage opener drive or chain screw along with the hinges. Regular spray lubricant is ideal for spraying on these parts to cut the noise factor down.

Tighten Garage Door Hardware

Tightening the screws of the door’s hardware goes a long way relating to preserving and increasing the life span of your garage door. Doors open and close so much over time that bolts and screws will become loose if not properly secured.

Garage Door Balance

Keeping the door balanced cuts the chances of the opener failing to operate correctly. Unbalanced doors put a big strain on the opener which will cause it to malfunction if not properly balanced. Does your door need balancing? To find out pull the release handle and with the door half open or closed does is stay in place? If so you have a balanced door. If it does not hold it’s position and goes up or down it’s time to have the spring tension adjusted.

Test Auto-Reverse Feature

When the auto-reverse mechanism fails people get injured. Testing the auto-reverse will ensure this doesn’t happen to you. Take any large box or crate and place under the door. Now hit close the door and if it reverses back up after touching the box it’s working properly. For testing a modern door opener using a photoelectric system you simply need to only briefly place your foot in the path of the closing door. If your door reverses when doing so all is well.

Check for Damaged Cables or Rollers

Looking for any parts of the garage that may have become damaged also is a yearly maintenance tip that should be done each year. Cables and rollers do go bad so it’s best to regularly inspect them for any damage. If you do find faults with either the cables or rollers have them replaced.

Garage Door Maintenance Greater Austin

Overhead Garage Door Services Austin

Need help with annual garage door maintenance to keep your door and also opener free of needing unwanted repairs? We offer an affordable yearly garage door service to prevent repairs and keep everything operating smooth and safe.