10 Modern Garage Door Replacement Benefits

New Garage Door Replacement 10 Benefits

A new garage door replacement or fix a door that is older in years? After 23 years in business, local Austin homeowners continue to ask this question often. There are many parts of a house to maintain, and the door on your garage is no exception. Choosing to replace your garage door can have a considerable impact on how your home looks and garage door operates. Below is ten reasons for Austin homeowners to consider if thinking about replacing your garage door. 

New Garage Door Replacement Austin

New Garage Door Replacement Benefits for Austin Homes

  • House Value
  • Home Appearance
  • Heating & Cooling Expenses
  • Regular Maintenance
  • Protecting Storage
  • Increased Usage
  • Storage Security
  • Home Protection
  • Additional Safety
  • Home Insurance 

Property Value

A new garage door replacement boosts home value. Folks looking to buy will appreciate a brand new garage door, especially if your home has an attached garage in excellent condition. Just ask any local Austin real estate agent. A house will sell much faster with a new garage that doesn’t need repairing.

Home Appearance

Austin TX Garage Door ServicesToday’s modern doors have so many various colors to choose from, which is great for homeowners looking to updating the look of their homes. With different styles and finishes available, giving your home a whole new look and beautiful curb appeal is simple.


Heating & Cooling Expenses

Insulated garage doors have many benefits. For garage’s with living quarters above or used as a workspace, consider an insulated door with R-16 insulation. These doors help cold air stay in when its hot out and keep warmer air in during more freezing temps. These doors also help pay for themselves when factoring savings from heating and cooling expenses.

Garage Door Maintenance

Garage Door Maintenance

New garage doors made of metal are easier to maintain compared to an old wood door that has paint peeling off and doesn’t look good. All you need is a little soap and water, and keeping a metal garage door clean, and nice-looking is very easy to do.


Protecting Storage

A new garage door replacement protects your personal belongings from extreme weather conditions. Many folks use extra space in the garage to keep things that are too big or have no room to store in their house. If your garage door has poor insulation, you run the risk of bad weather damaging items kept in the garage. 

Increased Usage

Installing a new garage door will add more usage from your garage. A new door that’s insulated and adequately sealed means the space in your garage will be more comfortable to enjoy. Whether for storage or as an additional living space or room for working on projects.

Garage Storage Security

An additional benefit of a new garage door replacement is better security for things kept stored in the garage. Older garage doors made of metal or wood are more accessible for burglars. 

Home Protection

Installing a modern garage door operation system not only protects your garage but also home. Security systems on today’s new garage openers boost the overall security of your home. Because new opener coding systems are very sophisticated compared to old models.

Additional Safety

A new garage door replacement also cuts the risk of getting hurt. Many modern garage door systems have photoelectric detectors that sense when something or somebody is trying to enter or exit the garage while the door is moving. When the sensor beam gets broke, the door will reverse automatically, eliminating potential personal injury or property damage. Newer openers are also able to turn on a light to see in dark conditions.

Home Insurance

Because you have a new garage door replacement, your home is now safe and secure. At this point, let your agent know you are trying to lower costs and if any discounts are available for home insurance payments. 

Greater Austin Garage Door Company

Garage Door Company AustinAlliance Overhead Door has assisted Austin business owners and homeowners with their garages and openers for 23 years. We’ve recently expanded our operations and welcome new team member RD with 12 years of management experience. Also. JD is a newlywed of three years, and they are expecting their first child! We also welcome back new garage door replacement specialist Winston, who has always been a favorite technician with local Austin clients.

Please know that all of our local Austin garage door technicians practice social distancing and wear masks to protect you and your home.